Telangana Polycet Exam Hall Ticket 2024-Download at
TS Polycet Hall Ticket 2024: Telangana State Technical Education Department has released the TS POLYCET Hall ticket on its official website Applied candidates have to download the Hall ticket for TS POLYCET exam which will be held on 24-05-2024. So, candidates can download the Hall ticket before the exam date. For TS POLYCET exam 2024 more than one lakh candidates are applied. When compared to last year, more than 28 thousand people are appearing for this TS Polycet 2024 Exam. Convener Dr. C. Srinath has told that they will be given two ranks for each student. For Engineering (MPC) students rank will be given based on Maths, Physics, Chemistry marks. For Agriculture students rank will be given based on Biology, Physics, Chemistry marks. Exam will be conducted for total 120 marks.
TS POLYCET Hall Ticket download:
Telangana has released the TS POLYCET hall ticket. Download the hall ticket from official website To download the hall ticket, Tenth hall ticket number, date of birth, year of passing are required to login. TS POLYCET exam date is 24-05-2024.
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Important details candidate have to check on TS POYCET Hall ticket:
After downloading the hall ticket candidate should check the following details.
Name of the candidate
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Roll Number
Exam centre name and Address
Time of the exam.
Download TS POLYCET Hall Ticket Here