HAL Hyderabad Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2024 ITI Apprenticeship
Training Program
HAL Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2024: Avionics Division Hindustan Aeronautics
Ltd, Balanagar, Hyderabad released apprenticeship notification for the ITI
qualified candidates. Those who are looking for the HAL ITI Trade Apprentice
Trainee vacancy, they can attend the walk in interview for this HAL ITI
Apprenticeship Program. There are total 200 Apprentice Trainee vacancies are in
this HAL Apprenticeship. Available trades are Electronics Mechanic, Fitter,
Electrician, Machinist, Turner, Welder, COPA, Plumber, Painter and Draughtsman.
Eligible candidates register online at apprenticeshipindia.gov.in website and
attend the walk in interview with registration copy. More details of HAL
Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2024 are given below.
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HAL Hyderabad Avionics Division ITI Apprenticeship Program:
HAL Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Important Dates:
Trade |
Walk |
Walk Join Govt Jobs Telangana Telegram Group
Electronic Mechanic, Diesel Mechanic |
20-05-2024 |
9 AM |
Fitter, Plumber, Painter |
20-05-2024 |
01 PM |
COPA, Motor Vehicle Mechanic |
21-05-2024 |
9 AM |
Electrician, Draughtsman Mechanical |
21-05-2024 |
01 PM |
Machinist, Painter, RAC Mechanic |
22-05-2024 |
9 AM |
Draughtsman Civil, Welder |
22-05-2024 |
01 PM |
Walk-in Venue
Address: Auditorium, Behind the department of Training &
Development, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Avionics Division, Balanagar, Hyderabad-
Hal Hyderabad ITI Trade Apprentice Vacancy Details:
There are total 200 ITI Trade Apprentice Trainee vacancies
in Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Avionics Division Hyderabad Recruitment 2024.
1. Electronic Mechanic-55
2. Fitter-35
3. Electrician-25
4. Machinist-8
5. Turner-6
6. Welder-3
7. Refrigeration & AC-2
8. COPA-55
9. Plumber-2
10. Painter-5
11. Diesel Mechanic-1
12. Motor vehicle Mechanic 1
13. Draughtsman – Civil-1
14. Draughtsman – Mechanical-7
HAL Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Qualifications:
Candidates must have qualified ITI in respective trade.
HAL Hyderabad ITI Trade Apprentice Age Limits:
Age limits are applicable as per the Apprenticeship act.
HAL Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Stipend:
Monthly stipend will be Rs.7000-8000/-
HAL Hyderabad ITI Apprentice Jobs Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected based on merit in qualification
and walk in interview.
Attend the walk in interview along with all required documents
of originals and Xerox copies and registration copy.
HAL Hyderabad ITI Trade Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2024:
Eligible candidates who is looking for the ITI Apprentice
vacancy in HAL Hyderabad Avionics Division they may attend the walk in interview
as per the given schedule. Register online at apprenticeshipindia.gov.in and
attend the walk in along with registration copy, aadhar card, all education
certificates, 2 passport size photos, date of birth certificate, community certificate
and other relevant documents of originals and Xerox copies.
Walk in dates are updated above.