GMC Khammam Provisional Merit List 2024: The GMC Khammam Outsourcing Jobs 2024 provisional merit list has been released for candidates who applied for the positions of Data Entry Operator (DEO), Store Keeper, Stenographer, Typist, Record Assistant, and Record Clerk. A total of 687 candidates applied for these posts, and the provisional merit list for 7 available positions has been published. Candidates who have any objections to the provisional merit list are required to submit their objections before 9th October 2024, by 5:00 PM, without fail. This is an important step in the recruitment process to ensure transparency and fairness. The recruitment drive includes 52 posts, and the application process was completed on 30th September 2024. Candidates are advised to check the merit list and respond promptly if they have any concerns or discrepancies regarding their status.
Download Provisional Merit List here