Priamry, Middle School, High School Teachers Jobs in Chintal Sreenidhi
Global Schools Walk in interview
Teachers Jobs in Sreenidhi
Global Schools: Teachers Recruitment notification is released by Sreenidhi
Global Schools Chintal, Padmanagar Phase II on 28-04-2024 through paper
advertisement in eenadu. Available positions are Front Office Executive,
Computer Science Teacher, Arts & Craft, PET, Skating and dance teachers, Primary
Teachers, Middle School Teachers, Pre Primary Teachers and High School Teachers
for the academic year starting from June 2024. Sreenidhi Global Schools is very
famous in Chintal and Padmanagar Phase II. Those who are looking for the Teachers
jobs n Chintal they can apply directly at college principal on or before 10-05-2024.
Job Location is Chintal, Padmanagar. More details of Sreenidhi Global Schools
Teachers Jobs recruitment is given below.
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Teachers Jobs in Chintal Sreenidhi Global Schools Recruitment 2024:
Important Dates for Teachers Jobs in Chintal:
Last date to apply: 10-05-2024
School Name: Sreenidhi Global Schools, Chintal, Padmanagar
Phase II
Available Vacancies in Sreenidhi Global Schools:
Primary Teacher
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Pre Primary Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Computer Science Teacher
Skating & Dance Teacher
Art & Craft Teacher
High School Teacher
Educational Qualifications:
Degree with BEd/DEd/BPed qualified candidates are eligible
for teachers jobs.
For non teaching staff minimum qualification is degree.
Salary Details:
Salary is negotiable.
Approximately Rs.10000-30000/-
Selection Process for Sreenidhi Global Schools Teachers jobs:
Teachers selection is based on personal interview and
previous teaching experience.
How to apply:
Eligible candidates who are looking for teachers jobs in Sreenidhi
Global Schools Chintal, Padmavatinagar Hyderabad they may submit the updated
resume to respective school principal on or before the last date of 10-05-2024.
Check Notification
Sreenidhi Global Schools, Chintal, Padmanagar
Chintal Phone Number: 9985051448
Padmanagar Phone Number: 9100921415