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Nizamabad, Visvodaya High School Teachers Recruitment 2021-Daily Walk in Interviews

Telangana Visvodaya High School Teacher Jobs Vacancy 2021

Visvodaya High School Teachers Jobs 2021: Visvodaya High School Nizamabad has released a new govt jobs vacancy notification for the recruitment available Teachers jobs. There are Teachers vacancies in the department of English, Maths, Science, Social, Physics in this Visvodaya School Recruitment 2021. Mode of application for this Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers recruitment is walk in interview. Selection for this Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers vacancy will be on basis of interview. Interested candidates may attend the daily walk in interviews at given timings for this Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers Recruitment 2021. Teachers jobs important dates, qualifications, and other details of Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Recruitment 2021 are given below.

Teachers Jobs in Nizambad Visvodaya School Vacancy Recruitment 2021

Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers Vacancy Important dates:

Daily walk in interviews are conducting in this Visvodaya High School.

Timings: 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM

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Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers Vacancy Details:

There are some Faculty vacancies in this Visvodaya High School Nizamabad jobs vacancy recruitment 2021.

Available vacancies:

English, Maths, Social, Science for Primary

Physics Teacher for High School

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Age limits for Visvodaya School Teaching Faculty jobs:

As per norms

Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers Qualifications:

As per norms

Pay Scale for Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teacher jobs:

As per school norms

Visvodaya High School Nizamabad Teachers Selection Process:

Selection will be done on the basis of walk in interview. Candidates with English fluency will be preferable.

How to apply for Nizamabad, Visvodaya High School Teachers recruitment 2021:

Interested candidates can attend the daily walk in interviews at school from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Candidates are suggested to bring resume along with certificate copies to the interview.


Visvodaya High School,

5, Pangra Rd,

Arya Nagar Colony,

Borgaon, Bank Colony,


Telangana 503230

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